Recognition Award

iClassical Academy provides Recognition Awards to Winners and Participants of Sound Espressivo Auditions and Competitions
"We believe that anyone, at any time, should have access to the wonderfully beautiful world of music
Our mission is to provide new generations of musicians, from any part of the world, the possibility to improve their skills and enjoy a wide audience"
iClassical Academy is based in Switzerland and works with clients globally.
This Award is Sponsored by
iClassical Academy

iClassical Academy is a leader in high-quality and professional online classical music education.
Thousands of music professionals, teachers, students, and amateur musicians continuously work on mastering music.
iClassical Academy Catalogue contains of
The Masterclasses, where Teachers go through a whole composition step by step, recorded with 5 cameras and HD audio
The Courses are mainly dedicated to a single subject or topic; The Collections are lists of Masterclasses grouped by Style, Genre, Composer, or Subject
The Musical Jewels, special courses dedicated to Music cardinal points, either milestone compositions or musical subjects. They contain real legacies from the most important music teachers in the world
82 Master Teachers